Monday, July 28, 2008

We're UP!!!

So we finally decided to start a blog... and we backdated some of the posts since we're slacking on the updates. Just to recap....we got here on May 1st. It took about a month before we found an apartment and got comfortable with the area. Our goal over here is to travel through as much of Europe as possible. We've had quite an adventurous 3 months so far. We've traveled to lots of places so far, and we've just about finished the pictures for all of these places:

Basel, Switzerland to visit Andrea's Aunt and Uncle
Milan, Italy to visit Murjani, our old roommate
Köblenz, Germany
Lake Bodensee (Meersburg)
Black Forest (Triberg)
Hohenzollern Castle
Köln, Germany
Munich, hanging out with Steve, Nic and Laura

Andrea just finished up an eight-week immersion course to learn German. She tries to practice and learn more German in between hanging out with her many girlfriends over here...

August brings a month long visit from Audrey. And boy do we have lots of travels planned. So stay tuned and we'll keep you posted. Hope all of you are doing well and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you.

Much love,
Brendan and Andrea


Unknown said...

My two little crumpets (Auds & Andy) together again! Can't wait to hear about your adventures together!

Unknown said...

Great blog! What about the bike? :)

Brendan and Andrea Farrell said...

The bike is together, and working on tweaking it... I'll put some pictures up in a bit, finally got the dropbars taped and now just need to cut the cables and cap them.

Just Me said...

That's AWESOME that you guys have a "blog" will be fun to read about your adventures (although, I'm thinking it is going to be tough trying to keep up with the two of you!!). Andrea, how many of those beers did you drink?! I'm definitely thinking I'd be good with one (or maybe even half of one!) :o)

Have fun!!